Larry Joe Williams III, Viola

How old were you when you started playing your instrument?

“I started on flute actually in the sixth grade, and switched to viola my freshman year of high school at 14 years old.”

What is your favorite music to listen to? 

“My absolute favorite music to listen to is anything Sarah Vaughan. She leaves one spellbound after having the satisfaction of hearing her voice. ”

Besides the Bakersfield Symphony, what else do you do for a living?

I also work as a viola mentor with the Inner City Youth Orchestra of Los Angeles (ICYOLA) throughout the week. I also work with the Harmony Project as a substitute viola teacher.

What is one piece of advice you would give to an aspiring musician? 

“Know in your heart of hearts that this is what you want to dedicate your life to, the road is not easy; and always keep in mind that the journey is so much more fulfilling than the destination.”

What do you look forward to playing with BSO? 

“Using my gift that I’ve been destined to use with amazing colleagues who have dedicated their lives to this craft.”

Why do you believe in the importance of music education?

“Because classical music depends on it.  This art form is for everybody. Music teaches personable relationships, camaraderie, communication, compassion, and even how to see things from a different perspective that you perhaps would’ve never thought of before.”

Fun Facts About Larry

“My favorite past time is to cook for family and friends.”

“I have a one year old Bouvier des Flandres named, Beau.”